The Beatles

Another Phase

Label: Abbey Road

This brilliant 13 CD Boxed set from 'Abbey Road' records contains The Beatles first four official albums in excellent stereo, and the rest
of the albums in mono. These are the official EMI mixes and sound absolutely terrific, and its packaging mimics the official Singles and EP
boxed sets from EMI.

Some issues of this box come with a bonus CD of the official 'Live at The Hollywood Bowl' LP, but this is obviously not from the same people 
who mastered this set. It comes in a blank white sleeve, so I show the disc instead.

n.b. "Magical Mystery Tour" is not represented here as it has already been officially released in both stereo and mono in the 
EMI EP boxed set. 'Abbey Road' and 'Let It Be' are not here because they are not in the box as they were only issued in stereo.

Select an album to see the details.

Please Please Me

With The Beatles

A Hard Days Night

Beatles For Sale


Rubber Soul


Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

The Beatles (White Album) - Disc 1

The Beatles (White Album) - Disc 2

Yellow Submarine

The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl

© 1998 David Laurie